
2022 New Bonner Directors and Coordinators Meeting

Page history last edited by Rachayita Shah 1 year, 9 months ago

Front Page / Bonner Program Resources / 2022 New Bonner Directors &; Coordinators Orientation 




2022 New Bonner Directors &; Coordinators Orientation 



Handbook, Slides, and Handouts







Handbook: 2022 New Bonner Directors and Coordinators Orientation 

The 2022 New Bonner Directors and Coordinators Orientation provides a thorough overview of the history, vision, and operational details for managing a Bonner Program and integrating it into campus-wide civic engagement courses and programming.

Click  here download the handbook.  
































The Bonner Program: The Big Picture 

Bonner Program history, goals, and vision



Bonner Student Development Model  

Bonner Program model, education, training, and reflection 



Bonner Cornerstone Activities and Capstone Projects 

Bonner Orientation, First Year Trip, Sophomore Exchange, Junior-Senior Capstone Projects etc.



Bonner Community Partnerships 

Bonner Program: Types of community partners, student roles, Junior/senior capstone projects etc.



Bonner Program Management

Bonner program staffing, roles and responsibilities, student leadership, faculty engagement etc. 




Bonner Leader Program: Recruitment and Financial Aid

Bonner Leader Model, Recruitment, Marketing, Financial Aid




Bonner Scholars Program: Recruitment and Financial Aid

Bonner Scholar Model, Recruitment, Marketing, Financial Aid



Bonner Program: Tracking, Visibility, Network, and Support

Bonner Recruitment and selection, staffing expectations, tracking, program visibility, staying connected




Campus Center and Campus-Wide Engagement

Campus-wide Center, Staffing, Community-Engaged Learning & Faculty, Collaborating Across Campus, Strategic Planning



Bonner Initiatives and Campus Support

Grant-Funded Initiatives, Policy-Related Initiatives, Guides, Campus Examples, Online Networking & Announcements, In-Person Networking






Taps: A Group Reflection Activity

Taps is a group activity that allows individuals to appreciate one another and their contributions anonymously. It is a great reflective activity for a group that has spent a significant amount of time together and understands their fellow group members. 



Planning Calendar Template 

Bonner Program's Planning Calendar template is designed to help staff plan training, education, and reflection activities for Bonner students throughout the academic year. 



Bonner Program Management Calendar

Use the Bonner Program Management Calendar template to manage recruitment and selection process, service events, travel, and reports.



Community Partnership Analysis Worksheet

Use the Community Partnership Analysis Worksheet to gain a better understanding of the types of organizations (i.e. service providers, collaboratives, and campaigns) your Center partner with and the scope of expanding these collaborations. 


Campus Collaboration Worksheet

Use the Campus Collaboration worksheet to identify individuals and offices on campus that you will connect with to effectively manage the Bonner Program and build a culture of community-engagement across the campus.