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Front Page / Opportunities / Conferences





Annual Bonner Network Conferences


This meeting provides a thorough overview of the history, vision, and operational details for managing a Bonner Program and integrating it into campus-wide civic engagement courses and programming. New Bonner coordinators, directors, or other staff at current Bonner schools who will be closely connected to their Program are expected to attend. We also invite staff and faculty at prospective schools evaluating the possibility of developing a Bonner Program to attend the meeting. If you can only attend one day, we generally suggest attending the Monday sessions.


One way we uplift student voice is through the role of Bonner Congress Representative. This role is designed for students to represent their programs and national network and to build upon their leadership skills to strengthen their own Bonner Programs and community initiatives.  We convene Congress Reps twice a year: once during the Summer Leadership Institute and another time at a student only gathering in October, the Bonner Congress Meeting. Every Bonner Congress Meeting is a little different, but generally it offers a series of workshops and presentations designed to give Congress Reps the skills and resources they need to take their ideas into action! 


Every November we convene our campus staff at our Fall Directors and Coordinators' Meeting. This meeting is designed for our campus staff engage in meaningful sharing and strategy work for building and managing Bonner Scholar and Leader Programs, and achieving our broader goals of connecting higher education and its public purposes. The Fall Meeting includes working sessions, workshops, and community time to provide professional development of our campus staff. Many of our professionals in the network assist with presentations and sharing of best practices. 


The Bonner Summer Leadership Institute (SLI) is the largest annual event for the Bonner Network for student, administrators, faculty, and community partners.  Every Summer, SLI provides participants with professional and personal development along with networking opportunities to strengthen the quality of work for campus-based service efforts. Programming focuses on themes of deepening community partnerships, supporting and developing students, and building vibrant, sustained infrastructure for campus-community engagement.


Each year two or more Bonner schools gather together for a Sophomore Exchange event. This year due to the limitations of in-person gatherings, 

the Bonner Foundation is hosting the first Bonner Network-Wide Virtual Sophomore Exchange event. The purpose is to provide students with a broader and deeper understanding of the Bonner Program and of campus-community engagement. We hope to inspire in students a sense of the broader magnitude and place in the service and civic engagement movement in higher education. We also seek to strengthen a sense of belonging in a national network of students and programs. 


New Jersey Bonner Conferences


  • Fall 2016 New Jersey Bonner Conference

We are gathering Bonner students from throughout New Jersey on Saturday, September 17th at Montclair State University from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.  Email Elvis Diaz for more details. 


  • Spring 2017 New Jersey Bonner Conference

We are gathering Bonner students from throughout New Jersey this Spring semester at a date and location to be determined.  Email Elvis Diaz for more details. 



Other National Conferences


The IMPACT Conference is historically the largest national gathering of student leaders, administrators, faculty, and nonprofit staff committed to engaging students in service, activism, politics, advocacy, and other socially responsible work. This event continues and builds on the legacy of the COOL National Conference and the Idealist Campus Conference, spanning an incredible 27+ year history.


The mission of the Association of American Colleges and Universities is to make liberal education and inclusive excellence the foundation for institutional purpose and educational practice in higher education.  AAC&U has a series of annual meetings that are relevant to community and civic engagement in higher education, highlighted by their annual meeting.


Other Professional Development 


Civic Engagement in Higher Education has had a long and episodic history in the United States; in the past decades, however, interest in civic engagement as a way of fulfilling the democratic purposes of higher education has increased noticeably. This course will critically examine the philosophical, theoretical, historical, and programmatic dimensions of the current civic engagement movement as well as the implications for institutional commitment and culture. 

Registration open November 7, 2016

Contact for assistance in registering for the course.  

Meets Wednesdays, 6:00-8:30 PM; students may attend in person or on-line (15 student limit)

(Class meetings: January 25-May 10, 2017)