Campus-Wide Assessment - Overview

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Campus-Wide Assessment

Overview  |  Guides  |  Campus Examples  |  Documents to Download


As community and civic engagement in higher education has evolved, so too have a number of different frameworks, tools, and supports for assessing the quality and degree of campus-wide engagement. This section provides an overview of a few of the key resources and assessment tools that are used to conduct campus-wide assessment.


It is fair to say that these such approaches and tools are both common and different in a number of dimensions:






With this in mind, within Guides and Documents to Download, we offer an overview of the following key resources for campus-wide assessment:


Rubric Assessments:



Well-known Scholarship which offer frameworks (from which some tools are drawn):



Quantitative Surveys which may produce data of campus-wide engagement:



Publications that offer frameworks and tools for assessing campus-wide engagement:



Approaches that involve external review:



We also Tracking Systems, which may provide a mechanism and software program for keeping track of and counting community engagement projects here: Tracking Systems - Overview. These are generally offered by a third party vendor and do involve financial costs.