PolicyOptions Research - Overview

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PolicyOptions Research 

Overview  |  Guides  |  Campus Examples  |  Documents to Download



The Bonner Foundation, in partnership with it’s national network of 60+ colleges and universities, is seeking to establish “community policy institutes” that link the civic engagement mission of higher education with the information needs of local communities.  We will seek to address the need for timely, comprehensive and neutral information and analysis, as well as an opportunity to network with other people and organizations seeking to address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges.  


Through a network campus-based community policy institutes, we will train and mobilize faculty, staff, and student teams to: (1) maintain a website with reliable, neutrally presented issue briefs featuring model programs and funding opportunities, (2) respond to requests for community-baed and policy research, and (3) host working groups and issue forums on topics identified by local community members and organizations.  


We have developed two web-based platforms for this initiative:  a) PolicyOptions.pbworks.com for the collaborative research, writing, and sharing of PolicyOptions issue briefs and b) PolicyOptions.org for sharing local, state, and national policy news and information. 


These efforts will become an integral part of a more comprehensive set of civic engagement activities addressing issues of poverty, education, youth development, criminal justice, health, and sustainability.  



PolicyOptions Issue Briefs


More than 500 students from more than 25 colleges and universities have taken courses that have incorporated PolicyOptions Issue Briefs as a major research assignment.  Using a wiki platform allows the students to collaborate with others on this research not only at their institution but nationally.  


Each PolicyOption Issue Brief is made up of three sections: 


Issue Overview - for each issue brief topic the overview page contains the following:


Local/State/National Information - these pages provide the following information for specific geographical area covered:


Profiles of Policy Options & Model Programs - Each summarizes the following:


We have more than 180 issue brief topics started since Fall, 2009.  We are now in the process of soliciting participation by issue experts to serve as “contributing editors” to help ensure the quality of the issue briefs.


PolicyOptions Campus Infrastructure


PolicyOptions Strategy Session - Bonner SLI 2016 from Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation