High-Impact Practices - Documents to Download
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by Dominique Dore 2 years, 5 months ago
Front Page / Campus-Wide Integration / High-Impact Practices / Documents to Download
High-Impact Practices
Overview | Guides | Campus Examples | Documents to Download
General Presentations
Presentation that may be helpful to team (back on campus)
- Why Faculty Promotion and Tenure Matters to Community Partners, by Elmer Freeman, Susan Gust, and Deborah Aloshen In this article, three community partners, experienced with and engaged in partnerships between universities and communities with varying challenges of success and failure, examine the specific challenge of review, promotion, and tenure for community-engaged faculty.
Engaging Departments fills an important niche in the literature on institutional engagement and advances the National Campus Compact agenda to create engaged departments. Representing a range of disciplines and institutional types—including two-year and four-year, public and private, comprehensive and research—this work features case studies of 11 departments and their journeys to engagement. The book presents readers with transferable steps and strategies, key factors that helped move civic engagement from the individual faculty level to the collective departmental level, an analysis of successes and barriers, and visions for the future. Also outlined are engagement efforts at the institutional and state levels.
Rubric for departments: Creating community-engaged departments: Self-assessment rubric for the institutionalization of community engagement in academic departments (2009)
- Deepening Community Engagement in Higher Education: Forging New Pathways, edited by Ariane Hoy and Mathew Johnson. Deepening Community Engagement in Higher Education demonstrates how colleges and universities can enhance the engagement of their students, faculty, and institutional resources in their communities. This volume features strategies to make this work deep, pervasive, integrated, and developmental, qualities recognized by the Carnegie Classification guidelines and others in higher education as best practice. The chapters share perspectives, frameworks, knowledge, and practices of more than a dozen institutions of higher education that practice community engagement in sustained ways, drawing on their connections to more than two decades' experience in the Bonner Foundation network. Perspectives from these campuses and respected scholars and practitioners in the field present proven models for student leadership and development, sustained partnerships, faculty engagement, institutionalization of campus centers, and changes to teaching and learning.
- Challenge and Change, by George Mehaffy, American Association of State Colleges and Universities (published in Educause Review, September/October 2012) This article explores some of the major challenges facing higher education today, including the development of new cost models, course models, online learning, and other societal changes that are "disruptive technologies" and innovations.
This is an excellent article, and especially helpful for those looking to include X College or online learning models.
Front Page / Campus-Wide Integration
High-Impact Practices - Documents to Download
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