
Senior Presentations of Learning - Overview

Page history last edited by Rachayita Shah 4 years, 11 months ago

Front Page / Bonner Program Resources / Senior Presentation of Learning / Overview 


Senior Presentations of Learning

Overview  |  Guides  |  Campus Examples  |  Documents to Download


The Senior Year


Senior year is about Expertise, which is when students can finish their college educations, and reflect on their four-year journey. Students may continue in a leadership role in service or on campus. They also may find a way to have a capstone experience, both in their service and connected with academics.


Seniors often have a retreat or other meetings, through which they also begin to think about “Life After Bonner” and post-graduate interests. It is typical to focus on the following skills:

  • Career planning or vocational discernment

  • Evaluation or deeper reflection

  • Public speaking (and the Senior Presentation of Learning)

  • A genuine capstone or “Signature Work” project connecting service and studies (see more at Engaged Signature Work / Capstone)


Seniors are thinking about polishing a resume, interviewing, finding a job, or pursuing plans for graduate school. They may think about how they can stay engaged and join the Bonner Alumni Network. In this year, we encourage students to ask: How can I present and leverage my Bonner experience to my community, family, and employers? 



Senior Presentation of Learning


Senior Presentations of Learning is process and event for Bonners to reflect on their service experiences and to articulate personal transformations brought about by participation in the Bonner Program while anticipating their place in the world after graduation.


To prepare for the capstone, students should meaningfully synthesize their individual experiences on a broader scale in order to communicate the combination of personal, cultural, social, political, and educational shifts that occur as results of the Bonner journey.  Where possible, students are asked to make connections with their academic coursework and vocational trajectories. 


The hope is that Senior Presentations of Learning will serve as a testament to the work of Bonners and the important power of change that service engenders.  Additionally, the insights of seniors are likely to inspire their fellow Bonners and a variety of stakeholders both on campus and in the community.