Bonner Program Start-Up - Overview

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Bonner Program Start-Up 

Overview  |  Guides  |  Campus Examples  |  Documents to Download

If your campus is interested in engaging in intensive and meaningful service with your student and community, we encourage you to consider developing a Bonner Program on your campus.


Since the Bonner Foundation’s original partnership with six start-up schools in 1998, the Bonner Foundation has partnered with many more additional schools in the implementation of Bonner Leader Programs. Together, these schools have taught us that “replication is not duplication.” Though we have identified a core model for Bonner Leader schools, each school we partner with brings new ideas and adaptations to the program, which we then share with other schools.


Schools interested in the Bonner Leader Program often ask us what they should do first when considering the creation of a service-based scholarship program on their campuses. In response, we have developed a list of Program Start-Up Considerations that schools can think about as they begin this process. In addition, we recommend that campus representatives interested in the Bonner Program discuss the program with other members of the campus community. Specifically, we have found that presidential support is a very important element when creating a successful campus-based program. 


The Bonner Foundation is committed to expanding our replication initiative through the creation of service-based scholarship programs across the country. We are eager to engage in conversations with institutions that are dedicated to offering this type of opportunity to their students.  If your campus is interested, please complete the Request for Follow Up Form. If you have any direct question, please reach out to Robert Hackett at 609-924-6663 or at the Bonner Foundation.


Why Start a Bonner Program?


7 Reasons Why You Should Start a Bonner Program from Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation


Bonner Program 101 Introduction


Bonner 101: An Introduction to the Bonner Program Model from Bonner Foundation


Bonner History



Bonner Experience